H-IB Professionals
Elizee Law Firm is a full service immigration law firm. We can guide you through your current immigration issues.
H1B Visa
The H-1B program allows companies in the United States to temporarily employ foreign workers in occupations that require the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s degree or higher in the specific specialty, or its equivalent. H-1B specialty occupations may include fields such as science, engineering and information technology.
H1B Visa Requirements
Applicant must possess the appropriate academic degree or equivalent by experience through progressively responsible positions.
If the applicant possesses a foreign degree, the Immigration Service may require a credential evaluation.
Must be an employer in the United States offering the professional employment.
The offer of employment must be to perform services within a “specialty occupation” which requires theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s or higher degree in the specific specialty as a minimum for entry into the occupation.
The offer of employment may be for full or part time employment.
Where licensure is required to practice a profession, the applicant must hold appropriate licensure under state law.
The employer must complete the Labor Condition Application procedure with the United States Department of Labor.
The Department of Labor must approve the employers Labor Condition Application.
The employer must agree to pay transportation cost if the employer terminates employment prior to the end of the authorized employment.
The H1B visa (specialty occupation) is subject to an annual numerical quota.
Elizee Law Firm is full service immigration law firm. We can guide you and your family through your current immigration case. Our staff is fluent in Spanish and Haitian Creole. Contact us at (305) 371-8846.